

Some Questions & Answers

 Yes, they are. We make sure groups are appropriate for each child’s skill level.

Caregivers will discover numerous ways to engage with their baby through play. Non-mobile babies will enjoy sensory activities, songs, and early social interactions. Connect with other parents as our expert instructors guide you through nurturing exercises and activities designed to stimulate your baby’s brain development.

It depends on the group type, topic, and age. Our groups are sized between 5-12 participants. Please note it can be more or less depending on individual needs.

Our language immersion groups are specially designed to expose participants to daily target language activities through conversation and hands-on experiences. As they would be exposed in the countries where the language is spoken.

We experience a high volume of inquiries, we apologize if you’re placed on our waiting list. However, we try our hardest to accommodate everyone and you will be contacted by your place on the list.

All of our groups and services encourage development and overall well-being. We promote cultural diversity, acceptance, and kindness.

Our groups include children of all ages; babies to age 18. Please note that caregivers will be asked to participate in our groups depending on age and topic.

We are currently offering Spanish and Hebrew. More languages will depend on availability, location and demand.

First, discuss your concerns with your child’s pediatrician or a specialized medical doctor. Once they determine your child needs therapy, you will receive a referral for our services. (OT, PT, ST). If you have further questions, give us a call and we’ll guide you through the process.

Once the evaluation is complete, signed and approved by your child’s pediatrician, we can begin treatment.

We provide therapy at one of our locations, educational centers and home, depending on schedule availability and area.

Yes, if the therapist determines a child is suitable for teletherapy.

We accept CMS, private pay and the Step Up Program.

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